Every country has their national anthem, but in the United States, and in our country, it is the Star Spangled Banner. It was actually a poem written by Francis Scott Key, who was a poem enthusiast at that time as well as a lawyer. He wrote the poem after seeing that the Fort McHenry was barraged by the Royal Navy British ships in the war of 1812.
Seeing the attack made by British colonies to his homeland, he wrote a poem, which he never knew would become a national anthem 119 years later. The anthem’s tune was taken from the song To Anacreon in Heaven, written by John Stafford Smith, which he dedicated wrote for the Anacreontic Society in London.
Soon after, the poem was renamed “The Star-Spangled Banner“. The poem was sung ranging one-fifth and one octave, which is very difficult to sing for people who can’t reach big and high notes. The poem has four stanzas and until today, only the first stanza is sung by the public.
In the year 1889, the United States Navy officially used the “The Star-Spangled Banner“. And in 1916, former US President Woodrow Wilson also sung it, too. It was only in 1931 that the popular poem turned song was made the US National Anthem by a congressional resolution, which was signed by former US President Herbert Hoover.
Today, the Star Spangled Banner is being sung by all Americans as national anthem to open a sports events, national holidays, political affairs, and other important celebrations.
Do you want to know more about the Star-Spangled Banner? For more information call now Flag World Company at 303-623-0589.